Challenges faced by children with Congenital Heart Disease in Pakistan, Agha Khan University, London Campus, 29 September 2017

Under the “BPF Medial Forum”, BPF collaboratedwith the Agha Khan Hospital, Agha Khan University and the Agha Khan Foundationon a seminar highlighting the “Challenges faced by children with Congenital Heart Disease in Pakistan” at the London Campus, 210 Euston Road, London NW1 2DA on the 29th of September.

The aim of the seminar was to raise awareness about the fact that around 40,000 infants in Pakistan are born with Congenital Heart Diseases (CHD) every year and 15,000 of these cases are critical. Most of the infants with CHD do not usually survive beyond the first few weeks and died from oxygen deficiency, congestive cardiac failure and infections such as pneumonia and sepsis. In order to make much-needed progress, there is a need to share information on new developments and improve collaboration among physicians, paediatricians and cardiologists globally to help with the timely diagnosis of CHD in newborns.

You can find out more about the work of the Agha Khan Foundation here:

 You can view photos from this event here:

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