Rising Girl | Help a Girl Rise

Rising Girl is a new UK registered charity founded to educate and inspire girls globally.
The charity is on the verge of starting its first pilot at a girls school in Birmingham to help girls rise above forced marriage, honour based violence, domestic violence and mental health issues and needs support from companies and businesses through their corporate and social responsibility (CSR), this assistance can change the lives of so many girls and allow them to rise, stay in education and become inspirational women they aspire to be.

For more information and how to get involved email: emb@journalist.com

22nd July 2024

British Pakistan Foundation Celebrates Historic Election Victory: 15 MPs of Pakistani Origin Elected to UK Parliament

The British Pakistan Foundation (BPF) is thrilled to announce

1st July 2024

British Pakistan Foundation Denounces Racially Insensitive Language

The British Pakistan Foundation (BPF) condemns in the strongest

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