Business & Professionals Programme

The Business and Professionals Programme (BPP) is a unique platform for entrepreneurs and professionals to network, exchange ideas and collaborate. As our leading programme, it is passionate about entrepreneurship and career-growth, and committed to promoting opportunities among the British Pakistani business and professional community. It also meets the needs of tomorrow’s entrepreneurs and professionals, connecting generation to generation with growth and synergy as our key aim. Today, one in 5 families within the British Pakistani community are self-employed businesses and together we share a combined wealth of an estimated 14 billion pounds.

The Business and Professionals Programme partners with well-established businesses and corporations in the UK and are supported as a collective unit on the BPF platform. The programme serves to introduce businesses with the right potential partners in the UK and hosts a range of networking events that create channels for partnerships through peer-to-peer support, sponsorship opportunities, knowledge sharing and structured workshops, seminars, conferences, panel discussions from experts and formal dinners with leaders within the British Pakistani community.

Members of the Business and Professionals Programme ensure the prosperity and success of the Young Professionals Programme, serving as mentors and stakeholders in the career-building of our youth members. Ever ready to provide a step up, structured skill-sharing and opportunities to build professional experience, the commitment of our members and desire to give back is the essence of the British Pakistan Foundation.


Business and Professionals Programme Activities


Panel Discussions


We hold panel discussions by top industry experts within Business, Finance, Law, and Medicine to create valuable professional networks, share knowledge, guide young professionals and mentor the next generation of leaders. The aim is to extend this further to cover the Arts, Media, Property, Professional Services, Management Consultancy and Technology in the future.

Championing Entrepreneurship

We host networking and business pitching events to enable aspiring entrepreneurs to connect with potential investors as well as enable successful entrepreneurs to share their stories to inspire future entrepreneurs.



We leverage the knowledge capital and expertise within our various professional networks to provide valuable mentorship and career guidance to students, graduates and young professionals covering a range of different professions.

Professional Workshops and Speaker Series

We aim to provide professional workshops led by experts within Business, Finance, Law and Medicine on a range of topical areas to enable participants to develop business, marketing, social media and communication skills.

Our Partners